What is Pipe and Classification

Pipe Class and Pipe Specifications

What is a Pipe: A pipe is a tubular or hollow cylindrical section used for fluid transportation. Fluid to be transported through the pipe may be gas, liquid, and solids.

Pipe classification: Pipes used in industrial applications can be selected on the basis of different Material, sizes, design parameters (pressure and temperature), etc.

Pipe classification: Pipe classification based on manufacturing techniques is categorized into two types seamless and welded.

What is Seamless pipe: Seamless pipe is manufactured from the billet as raw material by forging the billet, hot rolling or cold rolling, perforation, and shaping. The hot rolling process is used for the large diameter pipe (i.e. higher thickness).

The cold rolling process is used for the small diameter pipe (i.e. lower thickness). Material strength is lower in comparison to the hot rolling process seamless pipe.

What is welded pipe: Welded pipe is manufactured by bending the steel plate and welding into circular, square in shape. Welded pipes are relatively available at less expensive.

Welded Pipe is further divided into two types on the basis of weld of metal filler is required during the manufacturing process which is SAW (submerged arc welding) and ERW / HFW / EFW (Electric resistance welded / High frequency welded / Electric fusion welding). SAW pipe weld with metal filler for manufacturing and all other ERW / HFW / EFW do not require welding for manufacturing .

SAW pipes are divided into Straight SAW and helical SAW. Straight seam pipes are also called Long seam pipes. Large Pipe diameters are double seam type, whereas single seam pipe weld is applicable for medium diameter pipe.

What is Pipe class: The pipe class is a specification document which is developed on the basis of the operating conditions (Pressure, temperature) and describes the Type of pipe to be used along with its components. Pipe components refer to the flange

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