Pipe Wall Thickness Calculation As Per ASME B31. 3

P = internal design pressure (psi)

D = outside diameter of pipe (mm)

S = stress value for material from (Table A-1 or Table A-1M) in ASME B31.3

E = quality factor from (Table A-1A or Table A-1B) in ASME B31.3

W = weld joint strength reduction factor (302.3.5) in ASME B31.3

Y = coefficient from Table 304.1.1, valid for t < D/6 in ASME B31.3

Internal Design Pressure (P)
Pipe Diameter (D)
Allowable Stress for Selected Material (S)
Quality Factor (E)
Coefficient of Material strength factor (Y)
Weld Joint strength reduction factor (W)
Mill Tolerance
Corrosion allowance